

Philosophy, Approach, Modalities

We have mentioned throughout this site that the Family Workshop is "client centered, accessible and that we emphasize engagement." But, what does that mean? We support a variety of therapeutic modalities which our Counselors use, as long as the approach is client centered and engaging. Modalities are models, strategies, techniques or organized interventions designed to normalize or give control to the individual client. The approach is the philosophy and the realization that the client creates success in their lives, not the Therapist's.

We believe that the role of the Therapist is, in fact, elevated by the realization of that premise. We try to approach all clients and cases with "APS" Acknowledge the situation, Push for change, and then Support that change. First and last, engage the client!

The following excerpts from the Miller book Escape From Babel, further illustrates this position:

“As these examples illustrate much of the writing and thinking about psychotherapy practice places the therapist at center stage in the drama known as Therapy. Rarely is the client cast in the role of the chief agent of change. Nevertheless, the research literature makes clear that the client is actually the single, most potent contributor to outcome in psychotherapy. The quality of clients' participation, their perception of the therapist and what the therapist is doing, determine whether any treatment will work. In fact, the total matrix of whom they are-their strengths and resources, the duration of their complaints, their social supports, the circumstances in which they live, and the fortuitous events that weave in and out of their lives-matters more than anything therapists might do. Clients, the research makes abundantly clear, are the true masters of change in psychotherapy; they are always more powerful than their therapists.”

“Clients who are motivated, engaged, and join in the work with the therapist benefit the most from the experience. Of course, the quality of clients' participation in treatment is greatly effected by the bond or alliance they form with the helping professional.”